Act 3
People we’ve met so far

OMG – Oh M. Grace(Often referred as Grace).
GG – Gus Guesser (is a young detective).
AA – Ashley Asker.
ER – Ever Reddy.
CC – Carl Complainer.
SS – Sarah Streams(the photographer/Streamer).
SH – Harry Stylin aka Stylish Harry.


The Literal Leroy.

“So, Name?”

“Mine or yours, sir?”


“Leroy Joeken.”

“Are you joking?”

“Yes- I mean no sir. It’s Joeken. J-O-E-K-E-N.”




“Well technically 6. I’m still 5, I’ll turn 6 next month.”

“Next mont- oh leap year. Okay. So technically speaking you are 23.”

“Technically I guess.”

“Next gender.”

“Male. I think that was obvious.”

“Yeah. Reason for being here.”

“Shouldn’t you tell me that?”

The officer sighed and looked at what his colleague had given him.

“Assault on a minor.”

“I didn’t put a salt or a pepper on a minor. I slapped an 18 year old.”

“And why did you do that?”

“She told me to.”


“She gave me this big stack of money and told me to slap her to keep it. So I did.”

“Then she called the cops on you. Do you have evidence?”

“You can check her account.”

The officer sighed again and pulled out his phone as Leroy wrote down her account name. The recent video was of her going to Leroy and telling him to slap her to get a huge stack of money. Leroy asked her for consent and when she gave it to him, he slapped her into next Friday and then walked away with the money.

“Influencers. You’re free to go.”


Would you slap someone for money? “Yes.” Leroy would say without missing a beat.

The girl he slapped lost a lot of money because he told the police that she herself said that he could keep it.

“What about my hospital bills?” She asked.

“You gave him your consent so you can’t sue him.”

Leroy Joeken aka Literal Leroy(LL)
Age – 23/5






The Massively Abundant Mohammad Ali.

“We have a transfer student today. Everyone, say hello to…”

The boy took a deep breath.

“Mohammad Yousuf Farooq Abdullah Tanzeem Habib Kabir Wajib Rafiq Haroon Iman Owais Abbas Bilal Danyal Faizan Haider Imran Javed Kamran Mehboob Nouman Rashid Zubair Shahid Parvez Tahir Qabil Chand Xafar Ubaidah Labhan Badr Faraz Elias Vasi Idris Asad Maheer Nigar Jabez Asif Tausif Wiqar Zeeshan Najeeb Yahya Maaz Umar Bakr Haris Ghaffar Pasha Chirag Aamir Saif Rameez Ilyas Dilbar Tanveer Ehsan Vasim Latif Fahad Jalal Othman Kareem Qazi Zaid Ali. Nice to meet you.”

“Whoa. I felt my table floating for a moment there.” GG said.

“How many names are in your name?” AA asked.

“70.” He replied.

“So what do we call you? Do we just choose any one of the 70?” OMG asked.

“You can call me, Mohammad or Ali.”

“So Massive Mohammad or Abundant Ali.” CC said.

“We already have AA with Ashley. So I guess we now know what to call you.” ER said.

“Massive Mohammad. Kinda suits him as well.” LL said. “He’s smaller than his name though.”

“Not that it matters.” SH said. “But I think the name could be better. How about Massively Abundant Mohammad Ali?”

This was unanimously agreed on.

“Welcome to Freck University, MAMA.” Everyone said.

“Thank you everyone.”

Mohammad Yousuf Farooq Abdullah Tanzeem Habib Kabir Wajib Rafiq Haroon Iman Owais Abbas Bilal Danyal Faizan Haider Imran Javed Kamran Mehboob Nouman Rashid Zubair Shahid Parvez Tahir Qabil Chand Xafar Ubaidah Labhan Badr Faraz Elias Vasi Idris Asad Maheer Nigar Jabez Asif Tausif Wiqar Zeeshan Najeeb Yahya Maaz Umar Bakr Haris Ghaffar Pasha Chirag Aamir Saif Rameez Ilyas Dilbar Tanveer Ehsan Vasim Latif Fahad Jalal Othman Kareem Qazi Zaid Ali.
or if that’s too hard
Mohammad Y.F.A.T.H.K.W.R.H.I.O.A.B.D.F.H.I.J.K.M.N.R.Z.S.P.T.Q.C.X.U.L.B.F.E.V.I.A.M.N.J.A.T.W.Z.N.Y.M.U.B.H.G.P.C.A.S.R.I.D.T.E.V.L.F.J.O.K.Q.Z. Ali.



Transfer student at Freck University










Run-Veer Run

A man ran as if his life depended on it. Because it did.


Behind him was a truck whose brakes had failed and had chosen The 22 year old Veer Varun, commonly known as Run-Veer or RV, as its target as it followed him into a narrow alley. With no way to jump out of the way, RV did the thing his name implied. Run.

This was common for people in the dorms of Freck University as Veer had always been unlucky enough to be put into situations where he’d have to run for his life, literally, metaphorically, virtually or mentally. It’s what gave him his nickname Run-Veer.

But that didn’t mean that they were cold to his suffering. On the contrary actually. They were very worried as they worked hard to direct RV to safety only for the truck to come barging through. RV ran through the narrow alley, and jumped over a wall, the truck ran through the wall and continued following him.

He finally made it out of the alley with the truck still chasing him. He then jumped to the left and the truck crashed into a nearby wall, stopping for good. RV got up and let out a sigh of relief.

“That was the 3rd truck today.” He said as he picked up his bag and looked at his watch. “And I’m late again.”

The Late Run-Veer Varun.
A 5th year at Freck University.











Neha Sing A Song Please.

“No.” Neha said.

“But why?”

“Because I’m not a singer.” Neha replied in an almost sing-song voice.

Neha Sing or NS, a 22 year old student at Freck University is known for her melodious voice. So much so that it sounds like a song to anyone who hears it. Because of this she always speaks in one word or one sentence or never at all. So as to not sound like she’s singing. It is said that humans sing with the right of their brains and speak with the left side. But Neha was different. Her brain had no idea which side was right or left.

And so when Neha speaks, she sings.

“Hey, NS.” RV said, sitting down beside her.

Neha smiled at him in response and went back to reading her book.

“Did people ask you to sing again?” RV asked.

Neha nodded with a sigh that sounded like a musical hum.

“It happens.”

“Neha Sing.” The teacher called.

Neha stood up.

“Read out paragraph 70.”

“Ma’am I can read it out-”

“Are you Neha Sing, Mr. Varun?”

“No ma’am.”

“Then let her read it out.”

RV looked at Neha who smiled at him and picked up her book.

‘If they want me to sing while reading then I’ll give it to them.’

She took a deep breath and started sing-reading.

“When speaking words with a melodic or singing quality, it is often referred to as “melismatic speech” or “intonation.” This occurs when there is a noticeable pitch variation in the spoken words, creating a musical or sing-song-like quality. It’s a natural tendency for some people to infuse a melodic element into their speech, and it can be influenced by factors such as cultural background, regional accents, or individual vocal expression. The terms “singing speech” or “intoned speech” are also used to describe this phenomenon.”

If you are reading this, it sounds pretty monotone. But what everyone heard was not a paragraph explaining “Singing speaking”, instead they heard a very melodious song telling them how “sing-speaking” works. It was like a lullaby that doesn’t make you fall asleep but makes you want to listen even more. It was marvelous. Once Neha was done sing-reading, everyone gave her a standing ovation.

“You guys do realise that she just read a paragraph out of the text book. In a sing-song voice.” A guy said.

“But it was so beautiful.” The teacher said.

Neha looked at RV. He smiled.

“Give them a bow.”

Neha smiled and bowed after the performance as everyone clapped for her.



The Omniscient Orion and The FU

“Today’s the day.” An 18 year old boy stood infront of the building. He pushed his glasses up.

“It’s nice to finally make it to the Freck University Of-”

Just then someone bumped into him.

“Oh sorry man. I’m very late to my class.” A 22 year old said running top speed with his bag missing a strap.

“It’s fine.” the boy said

“Hey Orion. Come on.” his friend called out.

“Huh, oh yeah I’m coming.”

“Welcome to The Freck University Of…” The principal said in the orientation.

“I’m guessing you already know everything about this University, Orion.”

“That is correct. I’m Orion Alnoin (pronounced “All-Knowin”) for a reas-”

“The one over there. With the glasses.” The principal said.

Every person with glasses including Orion stood up.

“In the middle row.”

Only Orion was left standing.

“Would you like to come up here and tell us about this University?”

“There he goes again.” a final year student said.

“You have a very extensive history with him, am I right OMG?” The guy beside her asked.

“And I don’t want to remember it so shut up.”

“It’s like he’s sizing that first year.”

Orion shrugged and walked up on the stage. He took the mic from the principal and cleared his throat.

“Hello everyone, I’m Orion Alnoin, a first year student. Today I’m going to tell you about this University.”

An imaginary book opened infront of him and he started speaking.

“Freck University Of Everything And Nothing is one of the largest Universities in the world and as the name suggests it has everything and wants nothing. The students of the university go through 6 years of research and studying in their field while also developing their soft and hard skills. The university has a large campus which works like a city. Because of this the university has barely any government and focuses on the betterment of the person instead of turning them into a cog. A degree here is enough to get a job at any corner of the world.”

Once he was done the principal shook his hand as everyone clapped.

“Omniscient Orion.” SS said.

“What?” AA asked.

“His nickname. That’s what I’m going to call him from now on.” SS said.

“I’m surprised that we didn’t know that the University was named “Freck University Of Everything and Nothing” after basically living here for the past 6 years.” OMG said.

Act 3 – New Faces.


Interlude – 3

OMG opened her eyes. The room she was in, pitch black. She knew only one thing. This was not her room. She tried to move, but her arms and legs were tied up, her ears were plugged and her mouth had been gagged. She tried to feel around and felt another person behind her. They responded by touching her arm. She continued to feel around and found several people around her.

She wasn’t alone. Just then the room lit up. And she saw who the people around her were. GG, AA, ER, CC, SS, SH, LL, MAMA, And 4 familiar faces. The fifth years, Veer and Neha, the first year Orion and the principal.

As she was about to question what was going on mentally, all their binds fell off.

“Welcome dear principal and prized students of The FU.” A voice echoed through the room.

They looked up to see a masked person on the screen.

“Welcome to my domain. Hope you are ready to live here for the rest of your lives.”

To be continued…

Author: Jay

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